I'm not a huge lover of Valentine's Day.
I probably would be but my husband has convinced me
it's a commercial holiday
(smart man, convincing me to dislike a day set aside for flowers and mushy cards).
But I do like to feel special and
I enjoying making my loved ones feel special.
I was laying in bed last night thinking about ways I could make
my family feel {extra} loved on this day set aside for love!
As I was thinking, memories from my childhood filled my mind.
My mom ALWAYS made me feel special and loved,
especially on holidays.
{every holiday: Valentines, St. Patty's, Easter, Flag Day..}
That didn't mean she bought me elaborate gifts but she did small things
that to this day I remember and they still make me feel loved and special!
A treasure hunt leading to a basket of goodies,
a note waiting for me on the counter
next to a plate of heart shaped cookies,
small things that in my eyes were HUGE.
My girls are old enough now to begin making memories.
I want them to have memories to look back on like I do.
It's such a special thing.
So laying in bed I came up with the grand plan
to have a special candlelit dinner.
As much as I wanted to go all out, I also did not want to spend money
and I only had 12 hours to be creative. So it would need to be simple.
I decided to go through the house and gather anything pink or red.
I came up with a decent amount of things and got decorating!
It turned out cute enough,
{the kids thought it was gorgeous, that's what matters}
and we had a special candlelit dinner in the dining room.
I hope and pray this will be something they remember.
A special night of feeling loved.
A special memory to look back on when they are mommies.

And an extra special surprise for mommy
My favorite!
Not only were they delish
{i already ate 5...what? I didn't want them to go bad}
But they made me feel {extra} loved.
Thanks babe.
So we're not huge fans of the 'commercial holiday'
But come on who doesn't want a little love?
Have fun lovin' on your loved ones:)
Love this idea! However, in a house full of boys, I have NOTHING and I mean NOTHING that is pink or red...okay, I do a sweater or 2, but I"m SO not putting that on the table! Great idea though.